Those wishing to be considered for admission into The College as Fellows should submit an application to the Admissions Committee, which will review each application carefully and make a determination of worthiness based upon merit. The College now boasts 94 Fellows. Who will be number 100?
New ACMImimi Fellows (January 1st, 2014)
- Voice minor at North Texas State University
- Member of numerous choirs, barbershop quartets and other vocal endeavors over a nearly 50-year span
- Thought leader in health care, healthy living and healthcare ethics, including mobile and information technologies
- Wrote the ePatient Rap
- Performed and recorded the ePatient Rap at HealthFoo
- Special commendation as the first individual to request admission as a Fellow of the College (September 3rd, 2010), though he did so through a post on his own blog and failed to fill out an official application form until December 9th, 2013. The College acknowledges this early demonstration of eminence and will accept this as evidence of his special contributions to the field should he ever apply to be named a Distinguished Fellow of ACMImimi (colloquially known as a Jolly Good Fellow of ACMImimi). Note that The College currently has no application process for Distinguished Fellows, but is considering developing such a program to differentiate the deeply eminent from the merely eminent in the art and science of Medical Informatimusicology.
T Forcht (Teo) Dagi, MD, DMedSc, MPH, MTS, MBA, FAANS, FACS, FCCM, FRCSEd, FACMImimi- Demonstrated proficiency in the study, practice and performance of operatic medical informatics in the Italian, French and British genres
- Conducted an investigation into whether Questa furtiva lagrima should be sung before or after EMR implementation
- Investigated Largo al factotum on the availability of trauma surgeons in urban accident and emergency units
- Conducted a study of the impact of Gelide mannine on outcomes in the ICU
- Maintains an interest in the pursuit of eminence-based medicine
- Holds the record as the ACMImimi Fellow with the most declared credentials and designations
- Combines his skills as a multi-instrumentalist (saxophone, clarinet, flute, and oboe) and singer to augment his work as the Director of Duke's Mobile Technology Strategy and developer of iOS apps
- Showed the connection between musical and informatics creativity in a video from when he was Chief Resident in Pediatrics at UNC
- Writer and Producer of music videos at Genesis Medical Systems in Davenport, Iowa
- Aspiring to become the world's leading medical beatboxer, submitting evidence for his mad skills as interpreted by Google Voice: Boom, ba, bam, bam, boom, boom, ba, bam, bam, tss, tss, ba bam bam, bada BOOM
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