Dr. Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI performed the world premier of "The REC Theme Song" at the ONC All-Grantee Conference in Washington, DC on December 13th, 2010. Stay tuned for more...
You're seein’ patients in your practice and they constantly berate it
They say to make the grade you’ll have to interoperate it
But you don't have a clue about the Internet at all
You couldn't tell a portal from a hole in the wall
You wallow in despair – when in walks a crew
Packin' Pen Tablets and tech attitudes
They say, "Tired of pushin' paper – is connecting your dream?
We're here to take the caper – we're the REC Team."
They whip out their BlackBerrys, tap a key or two and say
"Put your mind at ease – we know just what to do.
We’re all workin’ where technology and medicine meet
We cruise the information superhighway beat
Meaningful use is not a problem – we can promise you that
We'll help you get incentive bucks in no time flat
Once we plan, select and implement, you’ll be good to go
When it comes to goin’ paperless, there’s just one name to know ’cause…
You can call a grease monkey to fix your radiator
If you need to slay a lion better call a gladiator
You gotta lift a boulder – Superman's your guy
And call Double-Oh-Seven if you're needin' a spy
But if you want to see your practice be the best of them all
There's only one name out there you need to recall
To click the hyperlink to your EHR dream
Forget about them others – call the REC team
You get set, go live and watch the patients come in
It doesn't take long to know you've got a big win
You add up your savings and you see the numbers soar
Your patients see the quality – you couldn't ask for more
You get kudos and congratulations from everyone
You say, "Thanks, REC Team, for all that you've done"
They say, "Glad to be your partner – you can call any day
We're always at your service 'cause we mean it when we say that...
...We said to pitch all those charts and build a practice supreme
Call the plugged in, pixilated, powered up, automated
Integratin', implementin’, strategizin', synchronizin'
Standardized, databased, webified, interfaced
Just-in-time REC Team!
2 December 2010
©2010 Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
If I Had and EHR
Dr. Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI, performed the world premier of "If I Had an EHR" (to the tune of "If I Only Had a Brain" with apologies to the Scarecrow, et al.) at the ONC All-Grantee Conference in Washington, DC on December 13th, 2010.
I could be a brilliant beacon
For patients who are seekin'
Good healthcare from afar
They would travel here for miles
And return back home with smiles
If I had an EHR
I could get to know my patients
And review their vaccinations
To be sure they're up to par
Their pediatric hist'ries
Would no longer be a myst'ry
If I had an EHR
Oh, I could tell you why
Your HDLs weren’t trending the best
And if you were due to get another test
I'd hear a chime to say it's time
I'd chart ev'ry diagnosis,
Procedure or prognosis
No matter how bizarre
And instead of seeing hieroglyphs
My notes could be deciphered if
I had an EHR
I could check the formularies
Of kings and dignitaries
From ev'ry land and tribe
I'd know co-pays on each drug
Of ev'ry Tom, Dick or Doug
If I could only ePrescribe
Picture me--
Across the sea
My patient needs a script
In the past I'd have to interrupt my trip
But today I'll tap my PDA
I'd know contraindications
For all drug combinations
My patients might imbibe
And any chump who's doctor shoppin'
Would be trumped by warnings poppin'
If I'd only ePrescribe
With my patients' full permissions
I could make crucial decisions
Using tests I’d aggregate
With the data I collected
Random clues could be connected
If I'd interoperate
I'd be full of pride
Be honored by my peers
And I'd make quality improvements through the years
'Cause I could see from A to Z
I could shoot out a referral
For the infirmed or the infertile
Cross the street or out of state
From Pacific to Atlantic
We’d be properly semantic
If we'd interoperate
If we only ePrescribe
If we all had EHRs
1 December 2010
©2010 Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA
I could be a brilliant beacon
For patients who are seekin'
Good healthcare from afar
They would travel here for miles
And return back home with smiles
If I had an EHR
I could get to know my patients
And review their vaccinations
To be sure they're up to par
Their pediatric hist'ries
Would no longer be a myst'ry
If I had an EHR
Oh, I could tell you why
Your HDLs weren’t trending the best
And if you were due to get another test
I'd hear a chime to say it's time
I'd chart ev'ry diagnosis,
Procedure or prognosis
No matter how bizarre
And instead of seeing hieroglyphs
My notes could be deciphered if
I had an EHR
I could check the formularies
Of kings and dignitaries
From ev'ry land and tribe
I'd know co-pays on each drug
Of ev'ry Tom, Dick or Doug
If I could only ePrescribe
Picture me--
Across the sea
My patient needs a script
In the past I'd have to interrupt my trip
But today I'll tap my PDA
I'd know contraindications
For all drug combinations
My patients might imbibe
And any chump who's doctor shoppin'
Would be trumped by warnings poppin'
If I'd only ePrescribe
With my patients' full permissions
I could make crucial decisions
Using tests I’d aggregate
With the data I collected
Random clues could be connected
If I'd interoperate
I'd be full of pride
Be honored by my peers
And I'd make quality improvements through the years
'Cause I could see from A to Z
I could shoot out a referral
For the infirmed or the infertile
Cross the street or out of state
From Pacific to Atlantic
We’d be properly semantic
If we'd interoperate
If we only ePrescribe
If we all had EHRs
1 December 2010
©2010 Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA
Monday, December 6, 2010
ACMI News: HITECH Interoperetta MP3 Now Available
A fan of the YouTube video "HITECH: An Interoperetta in Three Acts" recently requested a copy of the MP3. ACMI does not know the intended use, but assumes that said fan is intent on world domination and plans to widely distribute the vocal musings of our President and Founder, Dr. Ross D. Martin, as a cover for subliminal messages that will cause the listener to helplessly follow the bidding of said fan.
For the record, neither ACMI nor its President and Founder condone the use of medical informatimusicology as an instrument of evil or for the purposes of attaining world domination whether for good or evil intent. But, as the Interoperetta was distributed under a Creative Commons license, we feel obligated to distribute the MP3 file as requested. We do fear for the world, however, as the awesome power of medical informatimusicology, and the Interoperetta in particular, is undeniable; such a malicious use will undoubtedly be successful unless proper precautions are taken.
While it would be best for the purpose of avoiding world domination by said fan to recommend that any person receiving a copy of the MP3 file that has been injected with subliminal messages immediately delete the file, this would be an unacceptable solution as unaltered copies of the MP3 might also be deleted in the process, an outcome which is counter to the mission of ACMI.
A more palatable solution is to make use of the well-known surgical adage, "The Solution to Pollution is Dilution." ACMI recommends that every person on the planet take the following simple precautions:
Please note that, in making this public announcement, ACMI and its leadership are effectively released of any liability resulting from personal injury or world domination in the event that the above recommendations are not precisely followed. We will, however, accept awards, prizes, and other suitable accolades for foiling the nefarious plans of said fan.
For the record, neither ACMI nor its President and Founder condone the use of medical informatimusicology as an instrument of evil or for the purposes of attaining world domination whether for good or evil intent. But, as the Interoperetta was distributed under a Creative Commons license, we feel obligated to distribute the MP3 file as requested. We do fear for the world, however, as the awesome power of medical informatimusicology, and the Interoperetta in particular, is undeniable; such a malicious use will undoubtedly be successful unless proper precautions are taken.
While it would be best for the purpose of avoiding world domination by said fan to recommend that any person receiving a copy of the MP3 file that has been injected with subliminal messages immediately delete the file, this would be an unacceptable solution as unaltered copies of the MP3 might also be deleted in the process, an outcome which is counter to the mission of ACMI.
A more palatable solution is to make use of the well-known surgical adage, "The Solution to Pollution is Dilution." ACMI recommends that every person on the planet take the following simple precautions:
- Download the original, unaltered MP3 file at: http://www.rossmartinmd.com/files/mp3/HITECHfinal.mp3
- Listen to the Interoperetta a minimum of 17 times.
Please note that, in making this public announcement, ACMI and its leadership are effectively released of any liability resulting from personal injury or world domination in the event that the above recommendations are not precisely followed. We will, however, accept awards, prizes, and other suitable accolades for foiling the nefarious plans of said fan.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
HIStalk Praises ACMI President
The insightful and intrepid writers of the HIStalk Blog have heaped praise upon ACMI's President for his recent "play within a play" commentary on being published in The New York Times:
"This is brilliantly funny: You may know Ross Martin, MD as the guy behind the HITECH Operetta and Meaningful Yoose Rap in his role as President of The American College of Medical Informatimusicology, although he has a less interesting but probably much more lucrative HIT consulting job. He writes a hilarious letter to the editor of The New York Times for not publishing a previous letter of his, threatening a class action suit by rejected would-be authors and signing it, "Yours in the quest for wealth creation through victimization, President, Literary Mediocrity Association." They whittled his piece down to a paragraph, but they did run it. I think the HIStalk audience is more appropriate for his type of humor than that little New York paper."
We will forgive their slight misunderstanding of the order of events (it still confuses the staff of ACMI). Here is the unembellished timeline of events for those who prefer their reality unseasoned by satire or irony:
- Dr. Martin submits a legitimate and not particularly funny letter to the editor of The New York Times Magazine in response to an article about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
- Dr. Martin is notified that he is being considered for publication.
- When he didn't see his letter in the Magazine the following week, Dr. Martin writes a scathing rebuke to the editors informing of his intent to sue.
- Dr. Martin's original submission is published the following week (which aligned with the normal two-week publication lag of article responses).
- ACMI issues press release on the publication of Dr. Martin's original letter and his threat to sue the editors.
We hope that this clarification satisfies our members and fans without diminishing from the enjoyment received in reading the entire work or detracting from our President's brilliance in his own mind and in the mind of his adoring public.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
As Seen in The New York Times
Yes, it is true. Your favorite informatimusicologist has received the ultimate acknowledgement as a writer of note. Dr. Ross D. Martin has been published in that paragon of journalistic excellence, The New York Times.
Okay, it was a letter to the editor to the Sunday Magazine in response to Lisa Belkin’s article on redefining Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. But it was my first submission attempt, so I can now also claim a track record of 100% acceptance of all works submitted to a national media outlet. Last weekend, tens of thousands of readers savored my punditry as printed on page 8, the first page following the Table of Contents. Countless others will sojourn to The New York Times website in search of truth and meaning and will find, preserved for posterity, my ninety-nine carefully crafted words.
Okay, I thumbed them on my BlackBerry… on the Metro… on my way in to work… But this fact in no way cheapens the thrill of victory in the face of faceless editors whose sole motive is to justify their self-perceived importance by eviscerating would-be authors with a stroke of their red pens. In fact, after receiving an initial notice that my letter was being "considered for publication" and subsequently discovering that the Magazine editors decided to exclude my contribution in the next week's edition—all in the name of "limited space"—I was compelled to send a threatening email to let those editors know I was onto their game of instilling false hopes in would-be authors. I informed them of my intent to file a class action lawsuit (see my email below) should they fail to render my work on the printed page. They, of course, crumbled immediately and published my letter the following week.
Okay, my email turned out to be the result of a slight but understandable oversight on my part. I did not notice the two-week publication lag between initial article and corresponding letters to the editor. Nevertheless, I am holding fast to the inalienable right bestowed upon me by the Founding Fathers and vigorously defended by the American Bar Association to sue the creeps at any point in the future should I experience the sting of rejection.
One action is required on your part: Just as comedians in the halcyon days of late night television (that is, before Johnny Carson retired), the universally recognized mark of successful acts was the phrase "As Seen on The Tonight Show" appended to a performer's name. Therefore, all future references to me in emails, PowerPoint presentations, printed materials and other works shall include the words "As Published in The New York Times" following my name. My agent, Mr. KP Sethi, will be monitoring compliance with this new requirement and will be administering disciplinary actions commensurate with the level of offense.
Yours in the pursuit of achievement through self-aggrandizement,
Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA
As Published in The New York Times
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Ross
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 10:24 AM
To: Magazine@NYTimes.com
Subject: Revenge of the Bridesmaids
To the Editors of the Sunday New York Times Magazine:
We the writers, having subjected ourselves for far too long to the cruel manipulations of faceless editors who dangle the prospect of appearing in prestigious publications - only to see our dreams snuffed out with a keystroke...
We the bridesmaids, offered an electronic crumb of acknowledgment and false hope through what one may liken to a sweepstakes mailer (You already may have won!) - only to be left at the altar of literary fame and sacrificed there in the name of "so little space"...
We the unpublished, now rise up with one voice and say, "Enough!"
This email is to inform you that we are assembling ourselves and intend to establish a class action suit seeking compensation for the untold pain and suffering resulting from countless rejection letters sugarcoated with false encouragements and emails informing us of "consideration" for publication.
The ruse is up, editorial staff! We know the game you have been playing by encouraging writers of lesser skill to "keep those cards and letters coming," knowing full well that they will all find their way to the circular file. You've maintained your alleged relevance by claiming to sift through the chaff in search of that precious grain of brilliance. You've sought protection in volume, making it appear as though your diligence is the last bastion of good taste against the barbarous bloggers storming the gates that lead to the hallowed printing press floor.
We know you hoard your small cadre of publisher's pets - writers like Michael Pollan, who need only make an offhand remark about the origins of the Twinkie to make the cover of your magazine. And David Sedaris can drone incessantly about the most insignificant indignity and you give it the coverage of an event of historical significance. Well of course you do! They are fabulous writers - one needn't have "Editor-in-Chief" behind one's name to see that.
We know that you need us, the prosaically feeble, to ensure your job security. If only good writers wrote, what function would you serve? It is time to give us a piece of the action. We seek $738 million in compensation for wages lost in pursuit of false hopes, tuition wasted on writer's conferences and correspondence courses, and hours frittered away on the therapist's couch. Of course, we would be willing to settle for seeing our work on the printed page, but that is a matter for counsel to resolve.
Please consider yourselves put on notice. You will be hearing from our lawyers.
Yours in the quest for wealth creation through victimization,
Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI
President, Literary Mediocrity Association
From: Magazine, Sunday [mailto:magazine@nytimes.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 12:45 PM
To: Magazine, Sunday
Subject: Urgent: your letter to the times Magazine
Importance: High
Dear Reader,
Thanks for your interesting letter to the New York Times Magazine. We are considering it for our letters column in the issue of 9/26/10. Would you please read the edited version of your letter below, and write me back immediately to tell me if you approve it being published as it is? Please also make sure your name, location and affiliation are correct. Because we have so little space we do have to reduce most faculty positions to their simplest form; please be sure that yours is accurate, if not comprehensive.
Thanks again.
Sarah Smith, Managing Editor, Magazine
War Games
Chris Suellentrop makes it clear that video war games in which players are participants are in effect recruitment and training devices promoting the latest war technology of our armed forces. Players become anesthetized to the horror and destruction of war and at the same time are indoctrinated into the technology. The ‘‘players’’ in the ‘‘game’’ of the predator drones sit in comfortable environments in Colorado and do not see or hear the resulting horror and destruction in far off countries.
Rosaleen Mazur Warren, R.I.
Living to Be a Parent
I feel compelled to correct a common misperception about evolution that appears in Lisa Belkin’s essay. We do not ‘‘as a species’’ act in particular ways to benefit the species. A primary premise of evolutionary theory is that individuals behave in ways that maximize individual reproductive success, relative to other individuals within a population. Hereditary behavioral traits of individuals that help them to increase the proportion of their offspring in future generations will thus be ‘‘selected for,’’ i.e., become more common; this process results in evolution.
Evolution of a species is, therefore, a by-product of individuals acting in their own interests. Although humans present some potentially interesting exceptions to this idea — working for nuclear disarmament could potentially diminish the time you spend trying to reproduce and increase the likelihood of human survival — the idea that the evolution of human behaviors springs from individuals acting to ‘‘abet the survival of the species’’ is incorrect.
Catherine Lindell
Department of Zoology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Mich.
Abraham Maslow had it right in leaving wiggle room at the top of his hierarchical pyramid for personal definitions of self-actualization. His version accommodates parenting and creative pursuits equally well — without wedging these drives into the goal of species propagation. The resulting diversity of our psychological landscape keeps our busy brains interested in thriving and in extending the same opportunity to future generations. Our ability as humans to look above the fray of survival of the fittest and instinct-driven reproduction may in fact turn out to be the evolutionary advance that ultimately saves our own species and countless others.
Ross D. Martin
Germantown, Md.
There seems to be some serious intellectual confusion, if ‘‘academic psychologists’’ have placed parenting at the top of the pyramid of human needs, in an effort to ‘‘look at human motivation based on evolution.’’ It seems hardly necessary to point out that no living creature is motivated to achieve evolutionary goals. While it is a credible hypothesis that the experience of sexual pleasure, for instance, arose out of the evolutionary process, the motivation itself has nothing to do with procreation, and in fact it motivates humans to avoid procreation.
So it would seem that academic psychologists are essentially guessing at the consequences of evolution on human behavior. But to infer that humans have a need to parent, in the sense of ‘‘parenting’’ that has arisen only in recent generations, is a most tenuous hypothesis, a flying leap of uninformed logic, in fact. Equally likely is that progressively infantile generations of the middle class, ever more reluctant to leave childhood behind, find a gratifying outlet in living vicariously through their own pampered children.
Only time will tell if this turns out to be an evolutionary plus or minus.
David M. Smith
Plano, Tex.
Okay, it was a letter to the editor to the Sunday Magazine in response to Lisa Belkin’s article on redefining Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. But it was my first submission attempt, so I can now also claim a track record of 100% acceptance of all works submitted to a national media outlet. Last weekend, tens of thousands of readers savored my punditry as printed on page 8, the first page following the Table of Contents. Countless others will sojourn to The New York Times website in search of truth and meaning and will find, preserved for posterity, my ninety-nine carefully crafted words.
Okay, I thumbed them on my BlackBerry… on the Metro… on my way in to work… But this fact in no way cheapens the thrill of victory in the face of faceless editors whose sole motive is to justify their self-perceived importance by eviscerating would-be authors with a stroke of their red pens. In fact, after receiving an initial notice that my letter was being "considered for publication" and subsequently discovering that the Magazine editors decided to exclude my contribution in the next week's edition—all in the name of "limited space"—I was compelled to send a threatening email to let those editors know I was onto their game of instilling false hopes in would-be authors. I informed them of my intent to file a class action lawsuit (see my email below) should they fail to render my work on the printed page. They, of course, crumbled immediately and published my letter the following week.
Okay, my email turned out to be the result of a slight but understandable oversight on my part. I did not notice the two-week publication lag between initial article and corresponding letters to the editor. Nevertheless, I am holding fast to the inalienable right bestowed upon me by the Founding Fathers and vigorously defended by the American Bar Association to sue the creeps at any point in the future should I experience the sting of rejection.
One action is required on your part: Just as comedians in the halcyon days of late night television (that is, before Johnny Carson retired), the universally recognized mark of successful acts was the phrase "As Seen on The Tonight Show" appended to a performer's name. Therefore, all future references to me in emails, PowerPoint presentations, printed materials and other works shall include the words "As Published in The New York Times" following my name. My agent, Mr. KP Sethi, will be monitoring compliance with this new requirement and will be administering disciplinary actions commensurate with the level of offense.
Yours in the pursuit of achievement through self-aggrandizement,
Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA
As Published in The New York Times
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Ross
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 10:24 AM
To: Magazine@NYTimes.com
Subject: Revenge of the Bridesmaids
To the Editors of the Sunday New York Times Magazine:
We the writers, having subjected ourselves for far too long to the cruel manipulations of faceless editors who dangle the prospect of appearing in prestigious publications - only to see our dreams snuffed out with a keystroke...
We the bridesmaids, offered an electronic crumb of acknowledgment and false hope through what one may liken to a sweepstakes mailer (You already may have won!) - only to be left at the altar of literary fame and sacrificed there in the name of "so little space"...
We the unpublished, now rise up with one voice and say, "Enough!"
This email is to inform you that we are assembling ourselves and intend to establish a class action suit seeking compensation for the untold pain and suffering resulting from countless rejection letters sugarcoated with false encouragements and emails informing us of "consideration" for publication.
The ruse is up, editorial staff! We know the game you have been playing by encouraging writers of lesser skill to "keep those cards and letters coming," knowing full well that they will all find their way to the circular file. You've maintained your alleged relevance by claiming to sift through the chaff in search of that precious grain of brilliance. You've sought protection in volume, making it appear as though your diligence is the last bastion of good taste against the barbarous bloggers storming the gates that lead to the hallowed printing press floor.
We know you hoard your small cadre of publisher's pets - writers like Michael Pollan, who need only make an offhand remark about the origins of the Twinkie to make the cover of your magazine. And David Sedaris can drone incessantly about the most insignificant indignity and you give it the coverage of an event of historical significance. Well of course you do! They are fabulous writers - one needn't have "Editor-in-Chief" behind one's name to see that.
We know that you need us, the prosaically feeble, to ensure your job security. If only good writers wrote, what function would you serve? It is time to give us a piece of the action. We seek $738 million in compensation for wages lost in pursuit of false hopes, tuition wasted on writer's conferences and correspondence courses, and hours frittered away on the therapist's couch. Of course, we would be willing to settle for seeing our work on the printed page, but that is a matter for counsel to resolve.
Please consider yourselves put on notice. You will be hearing from our lawyers.
Yours in the quest for wealth creation through victimization,
Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI
President, Literary Mediocrity Association
From: Magazine, Sunday [mailto:magazine@nytimes.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 12:45 PM
To: Magazine, Sunday
Subject: Urgent: your letter to the times Magazine
Importance: High
Dear Reader,
Thanks for your interesting letter to the New York Times Magazine. We are considering it for our letters column in the issue of 9/26/10. Would you please read the edited version of your letter below, and write me back immediately to tell me if you approve it being published as it is? Please also make sure your name, location and affiliation are correct. Because we have so little space we do have to reduce most faculty positions to their simplest form; please be sure that yours is accurate, if not comprehensive.
Thanks again.
Sarah Smith, Managing Editor, Magazine
War Games
Chris Suellentrop makes it clear that video war games in which players are participants are in effect recruitment and training devices promoting the latest war technology of our armed forces. Players become anesthetized to the horror and destruction of war and at the same time are indoctrinated into the technology. The ‘‘players’’ in the ‘‘game’’ of the predator drones sit in comfortable environments in Colorado and do not see or hear the resulting horror and destruction in far off countries.
Rosaleen Mazur Warren, R.I.
Living to Be a Parent
I feel compelled to correct a common misperception about evolution that appears in Lisa Belkin’s essay. We do not ‘‘as a species’’ act in particular ways to benefit the species. A primary premise of evolutionary theory is that individuals behave in ways that maximize individual reproductive success, relative to other individuals within a population. Hereditary behavioral traits of individuals that help them to increase the proportion of their offspring in future generations will thus be ‘‘selected for,’’ i.e., become more common; this process results in evolution.
Evolution of a species is, therefore, a by-product of individuals acting in their own interests. Although humans present some potentially interesting exceptions to this idea — working for nuclear disarmament could potentially diminish the time you spend trying to reproduce and increase the likelihood of human survival — the idea that the evolution of human behaviors springs from individuals acting to ‘‘abet the survival of the species’’ is incorrect.
Catherine Lindell
Department of Zoology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Mich.
Abraham Maslow had it right in leaving wiggle room at the top of his hierarchical pyramid for personal definitions of self-actualization. His version accommodates parenting and creative pursuits equally well — without wedging these drives into the goal of species propagation. The resulting diversity of our psychological landscape keeps our busy brains interested in thriving and in extending the same opportunity to future generations. Our ability as humans to look above the fray of survival of the fittest and instinct-driven reproduction may in fact turn out to be the evolutionary advance that ultimately saves our own species and countless others.
Ross D. Martin
Germantown, Md.
There seems to be some serious intellectual confusion, if ‘‘academic psychologists’’ have placed parenting at the top of the pyramid of human needs, in an effort to ‘‘look at human motivation based on evolution.’’ It seems hardly necessary to point out that no living creature is motivated to achieve evolutionary goals. While it is a credible hypothesis that the experience of sexual pleasure, for instance, arose out of the evolutionary process, the motivation itself has nothing to do with procreation, and in fact it motivates humans to avoid procreation.
So it would seem that academic psychologists are essentially guessing at the consequences of evolution on human behavior. But to infer that humans have a need to parent, in the sense of ‘‘parenting’’ that has arisen only in recent generations, is a most tenuous hypothesis, a flying leap of uninformed logic, in fact. Equally likely is that progressively infantile generations of the middle class, ever more reluctant to leave childhood behind, find a gratifying outlet in living vicariously through their own pampered children.
Only time will tell if this turns out to be an evolutionary plus or minus.
David M. Smith
Plano, Tex.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Legend of Bob the DERF
From the ACMI Archives:
The Legend of Bob the DERF
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Click here to listen to the song |
The College has received several solicitations from potential members - requesting reviews of health IT related lyrics or recordings. We thought it would be instructive to bring out some of the original works that led to the establishment of the College. There is no better place to start than at the very beginning...
The National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), is an ANSI-accredited standards development organization focused on pharmacy-related electronic information transactions headquarted in Scottsdale, Arizona. In 2005, Dr. Ross Martin offered to compose a song for NCPDP for their Annual Conference. His offer was accepted and a sponsor stepped forward to support the recording and reproduction costs for a CD. Special thanks go to Lee Ann Stember, NCPDP's President, for sponsoring the song. The lovely and talented Eric Schwartz (WARNING: he is brilliant, but uses his powers for evil, so his site is not for those of sensitive dispositions) produced and recorded the song, adding many of the vocals and most of the instrumentation. Dr. Martin performed the song twice at the conference and several hundred copies of the CD, now considered a collector's item among devoted informatimusicologists, were distributed.
The song, "The Legend of Bob the DERF," tells the tale of how we moved from our darker days of winner-takes-all standards setting to our current consensus process. Those unfamiliar with NCPDP and its methods may be curious of the meaning of the term DERF. It stands for "Data Element Request Form" and is the main document used in the NCPDP standards development process to establish or modify a standard. Many who heard the song and are familiar with the history of NCPDP opined that the two characters depicted in the song - Bob the DERF and Margaret, aka, The Wacker - bore striking similarities to two long-time members of NCPDP, Bob Beckley of Surescripts and Margaret Weiker of EDS, both of whom are known for their strong leadership and equally strong opinions, which have occasionally put them at odds with one another, creating some of the more tense moments experienced at workgroup meetings. Their southern accents and Margaret's diminutive stature (she is rumored to be around 4' 5" tall, though no one has had the kahunas to actually measure her or ask) provided reinforcement for some of these opinions. In fact, the characters portrayed in the song are not based on any known individuals, living or dead. Anyone who says otherwise is itchin' fer a fight!
The Lyrics:
Way back a hunert years ago
In a desert land devoid of snow
’Fore Scottsdale started dottin’ any maps
Snake Oil Salesmen roamed the West
Pitchin’ potions from their treasure chests
And shaftin’ any sucker wearin’ chaps
There was one man who had a dream
’Bout raisin’ druggists’ self esteem
By protectin’ the apothecary’s turf
He saw that standards were the key
For improvin’ drugstore quality
That man was known by all as Bob the DERF
Now any tale worth bein’ told
Includes a woman, guns or gold
Our hero’s rival ponied up all three
Margaret was her given name
But winnin’ gunfights brought her fame
So the name “The Whacker” fit her to a tee
And ev’ry time The Whacker flashed her gold incisor in a grin
The undertaker knew he’d soon be callin’ next of kin
Hoo-ee ’n’ Yippee-ki-ee
Before the NCPDP
Consensus was a notion seldom found
Hoo-ah ’n’ Yippee-ki-yaw
The fastest shot laid down the law
The other laid down six feet underground
Now The Whacker had her standards too
And had in mind just what to do
To make sure things got done by her own rule
She called on Bob the DERF and said,
“You lily-livered pudd’nhead
It’s my way or the highway, ya’ dang fool!”
She knew her taunts would be enough
To razz him so he’d call her bluff
He slammed his whiskey down as if on cue
“Well we’ll just see ’bout who’ll be number one
High noon, tomorrow – bring your gun
But I’d skip town tonight if I was you!”
The bookies laid odds eight-to-five
The Whacker’d make it through alive
Her dead-eye aim was known throughout the land
It’s true that Margaret had her chance
But once they started in to dance
The DERF felt sure he’d be the last to stand
And so they set the stage to see whose standards would prevail
One slinger’d see sweet victory – and one the gates of Hell
The clock chimed twelve – the wind was still
Too scared to see red rivers spill
And learn who’d bite the dust who’d survive
The two stepped out into the street
To face their fate at fifty feet
Then in a flash their pistols came alive
Bob the DERF’s resolve came through
His steady hand shot straight and true
A normal foe no doubt would have been dead
But one fact he failed to calculate –
The Whacker stood at four-foot-eight
And so her Stetson flew clean off her head
The DERF’s luck went from bad to worse
Didn’t even have a chance to curse
As The Whacker’s dental work gleamed through her smile
Her single shot was on the mark
It pierced his heart – the sky went dark
Right there he fell into a bloody pile
And as he died, The Whacker cried, “Oh, help me, Lord above!
All in the name of standards, I’ve just killed my one true love!”
She lay her pistol down and swore upon her golden tooth
Consensus now will be pursued in healthcare’s quest for truth
“No longer will our blood be shed for standards to be set
We’ll gather round and talk until a compromise is met”
So now you know just how we formed the NCPDP
And how this modern standards settin’ process came to be
And after endless hours of meetings why my eyes will glaze
I’m dreamin’ ’bout how things got done back in those glory days when…
Words by Ross Martin
Music by Eric Schwartz and Ross Martin
Lead vocals: Ross Martin
Background vocals: Ross Martin and Eric Schwartz
All instruments and sequencing: Eric Schwartz
Produced and engineered by Eric Schwartz, Claritone Music
Special thanks to Kevin So
Way back a hunert years ago
In a desert land devoid of snow
’Fore Scottsdale started dottin’ any maps
Snake Oil Salesmen roamed the West
Pitchin’ potions from their treasure chests
And shaftin’ any sucker wearin’ chaps
There was one man who had a dream
’Bout raisin’ druggists’ self esteem
By protectin’ the apothecary’s turf
He saw that standards were the key
For improvin’ drugstore quality
That man was known by all as Bob the DERF
Now any tale worth bein’ told
Includes a woman, guns or gold
Our hero’s rival ponied up all three
Margaret was her given name
But winnin’ gunfights brought her fame
So the name “The Whacker” fit her to a tee
And ev’ry time The Whacker flashed her gold incisor in a grin
The undertaker knew he’d soon be callin’ next of kin
Hoo-ee ’n’ Yippee-ki-ee
Before the NCPDP
Consensus was a notion seldom found
Hoo-ah ’n’ Yippee-ki-yaw
The fastest shot laid down the law
The other laid down six feet underground
Now The Whacker had her standards too
And had in mind just what to do
To make sure things got done by her own rule
She called on Bob the DERF and said,
“You lily-livered pudd’nhead
It’s my way or the highway, ya’ dang fool!”
She knew her taunts would be enough
To razz him so he’d call her bluff
He slammed his whiskey down as if on cue
“Well we’ll just see ’bout who’ll be number one
High noon, tomorrow – bring your gun
But I’d skip town tonight if I was you!”
The bookies laid odds eight-to-five
The Whacker’d make it through alive
Her dead-eye aim was known throughout the land
It’s true that Margaret had her chance
But once they started in to dance
The DERF felt sure he’d be the last to stand
And so they set the stage to see whose standards would prevail
One slinger’d see sweet victory – and one the gates of Hell
The clock chimed twelve – the wind was still
Too scared to see red rivers spill
And learn who’d bite the dust who’d survive
The two stepped out into the street
To face their fate at fifty feet
Then in a flash their pistols came alive
Bob the DERF’s resolve came through
His steady hand shot straight and true
A normal foe no doubt would have been dead
But one fact he failed to calculate –
The Whacker stood at four-foot-eight
And so her Stetson flew clean off her head
The DERF’s luck went from bad to worse
Didn’t even have a chance to curse
As The Whacker’s dental work gleamed through her smile
Her single shot was on the mark
It pierced his heart – the sky went dark
Right there he fell into a bloody pile
And as he died, The Whacker cried, “Oh, help me, Lord above!
All in the name of standards, I’ve just killed my one true love!”
She lay her pistol down and swore upon her golden tooth
Consensus now will be pursued in healthcare’s quest for truth
“No longer will our blood be shed for standards to be set
We’ll gather round and talk until a compromise is met”
So now you know just how we formed the NCPDP
And how this modern standards settin’ process came to be
And after endless hours of meetings why my eyes will glaze
I’m dreamin’ ’bout how things got done back in those glory days when…
Words by Ross Martin
Music by Eric Schwartz and Ross Martin
Lead vocals: Ross Martin
Background vocals: Ross Martin and Eric Schwartz
All instruments and sequencing: Eric Schwartz
Produced and engineered by Eric Schwartz, Claritone Music
Special thanks to Kevin So
Monday, August 30, 2010
Our Founder Sets New Pen Spinning World Record
In his relentless quest to achieve eminence through hyper-specialization, Dr. Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI*, President, Founder and Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatimusicology (ACMI), has been officially recognized as the world record holder in over-the-thumb pen spins in one minute, completing an astonishing 48 spins in a minute on August 26th, 2008, hereinafter known officially as Dr. Ross "Pen Spinmeister" Martin Day. A video of this monumental achievement can be found at the Universal Record Database website at http://urdb.org/wr/over-the-thumb-pen-spins-minute.
Dr. Martin is equally proud of his son, known to the blogosphere as RobotBoy2001 for setting several records on that very day, one of which has been officially recognized by the officials at URDB: Most bounces on BOSUs by Two Boys in One Minute. Other RobotBoy2001 records are currently under review.
Greatness clearly runs in Dr. Martin's family. Someday, perhaps, his son will follow in his footsteps and become a great informatimusicologist like his father. The world waits with great hope and anticipation for that day and will rejoice should it come...
*Fellow, American College of Medical Informatimusicology
Dr. Martin is equally proud of his son, known to the blogosphere as RobotBoy2001 for setting several records on that very day, one of which has been officially recognized by the officials at URDB: Most bounces on BOSUs by Two Boys in One Minute. Other RobotBoy2001 records are currently under review.
Greatness clearly runs in Dr. Martin's family. Someday, perhaps, his son will follow in his footsteps and become a great informatimusicologist like his father. The world waits with great hope and anticipation for that day and will rejoice should it come...
*Fellow, American College of Medical Informatimusicology
Thursday, August 19, 2010
From the ACMI Archives: The HITECH Interoperetta
Below is the original May 13th, 2009 posting of the of "HITECH: An Interoperetta in Three Acts" from the personal blog of ACMI's Founder and President, Dr. Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI. Recognizing the pivotal role the HITECH Interoperetta plays in the history of the College, it seemed worthy of a cross-posting. Last we checked, the YouTube video had been viewed nearly 18,000 times.
The American College of Medical Informatimusicology is pleased to bring you an original work written and performed by ACMI's founding member, Dr. Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI:
The Story Behind the Song
Writing the song turned out to be the easy part. The recording was done on a Zoom H2 (what a great little multi-track recorder!). Since HITECH at Deloitte is keeping me busy more than full time in "real life" work, I did most of the recording, videotaping and editing in the wee hours (just like I'm writing this blog post - after 1am). I did the audio editing using Audacity, the elegant and simple open source multi-track software tool, and the video editing with PowerDirector, the software that came with my JVC Everio, a good-enough camcorder. It was the editing that took forever - getting the timing just right, adding the scrolling captions, editing the audio so everything was balanced and the "sound effects" came out reasonably believable.
In the end, there were a dozen things I would want to do better - especially on the vocals front, but I just didn't want to spend any more time than I absolutely had to to get a decent result. So it is what it is and I hope you enjoy the video. Please let me know what you think - either by posting a comment here or on YouTube or by sending me an email. And if you need some real, serious work done around HITECH, my colleagues and I at Deloitte Consulting would be happy to help. Just send the Deloitte HITECH Response Team an email.
Who links to my website?
The American College of Medical Informatimusicology is pleased to bring you an original work written and performed by ACMI's founding member, Dr. Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI:
An Interoperetta in Three Acts
Who knew you could learn so much about the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act in under four minutes?
The Story Behind the Song
I had been thinking about writing a song for HITSP, CCHIT and AHIC for a couple of years, figuring it was time to tie a bow around the four other standards songs I've written - for NCPDP ("The Legend of Bob the DERF" - country & western tune about the standards-setting gunslingers of old), HL7 ("The Patient is Waiting" - a rock ballad), MedBiquitous ("The MedBiq Song" - a la Gilbert and Sullivan) and X12 ("The X12 Song" - R&B pop tune). All these songs are available on my MP3 page.
The inspiration for structure of the song, though, is actually about 20 years old. A classmate from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Dr. John Weigand, did a brilliant skit at our annual student talent show, sung by "The Weigand Trio," about his med school experience. It was three songs in one, just like this one; John used cassette recorders to "perform" the three parts at once. It was hysterical. So when it came time to write a song about three components of harmonizing standards, his idea seemed the perfect vehicle. I hadn't spoken to John since med school, so I looked him up on Google, emailed to make sure this was his original idea (it was) and make sure he was okay with me borrowing it (he was).
I wrote HITECH during a quick family vacation in Florida - mostly on the plane rides - back in March. Kym and Taylor are quite happy it's done so they don't have to listen to me running through the same 35-second song over and over again.This was probably one of the most complex songs I've ever written. Each verse had to layer on top of the other, syllable by syllable. Usually, I write lyrics in a little notebook, scratching out lines and words until it's just right. This one was just too difficult to write a verse at a time, so I had to literally do it on a spreadsheet so I could get it all to line up properly. I snapped a picture of it:

Writing the song turned out to be the easy part. The recording was done on a Zoom H2 (what a great little multi-track recorder!). Since HITECH at Deloitte is keeping me busy more than full time in "real life" work, I did most of the recording, videotaping and editing in the wee hours (just like I'm writing this blog post - after 1am). I did the audio editing using Audacity, the elegant and simple open source multi-track software tool, and the video editing with PowerDirector, the software that came with my JVC Everio, a good-enough camcorder. It was the editing that took forever - getting the timing just right, adding the scrolling captions, editing the audio so everything was balanced and the "sound effects" came out reasonably believable.
In the end, there were a dozen things I would want to do better - especially on the vocals front, but I just didn't want to spend any more time than I absolutely had to to get a decent result. So it is what it is and I hope you enjoy the video. Please let me know what you think - either by posting a comment here or on YouTube or by sending me an email. And if you need some real, serious work done around HITECH, my colleagues and I at Deloitte Consulting would be happy to help. Just send the Deloitte HITECH Response Team an email.
Who links to my website?
Friday, July 30, 2010
Health Reform: Are You Ready?
Some great statistics and thought-provoking points about health reform in the US. The College also appreciates the catchy beat of the background music and the subtle sound effects built into the rhythms.
Monday, June 28, 2010
United, We Stand - Reimagining an Anthem for our Nation
The American College of Medical Informatimusicology normally focuses exclusively on the intersection of healthcare, informatics and music. On occasion, however, we discard the shackles of protocol and discuss other topics of interest among Fellows of the College. Our President and Founder, Dr. Ross Martin, recently made this submission, which we readily accepted in anticipation of our nation's upcoming independence celebration.
A couple of weekends ago, PRI’s Studio 360 asked listeners to think about updating a couple of our traditional icons as we approach our annual 4th of July celebrations. One was Uncle Sam – what would a “mascot” for our nation look like today? The other, our National Anthem (which, according to one pole, 27% of Americans believe has a last line of “And the home of the brave… Play Ball!”).It’s a simple song with only five lines that intuitively cycle back on themselves, so they are easy to remember:
I personally like our National Anthem a lot – it is a beautiful song with brave and poetic lyrics. But it is undeniably a challenge to sing for all but the upper tier of vocalists, with its greater than 1½-octave range (for perspective, Madonna never sings anything with more than a one-octave range, not that this is a shining example, but I hear she has made some money as a singer).
So last weekend, I posted a reimagining of the National Anthem in response to the Studio 360 challenge based on some Infinite Poetry® I wrote after 9/11. Let me know what you think… The song and a quickly assembled video are posted on YouTube.
…United, We Stand
Standing, We Rise
Rising, We Soar
Soaring, We’re Free
Free, We Unite
United, We Stand…
The simplicity of the song makes it easy to add parts, variations on the theme and personal interpretations—which reflects, to me, the bedrock of what makes our nation such a compelling and inspirational place: simple principles that allow for diversity and creative growth to live in harmony.
If you like it, please vote for it (you may have to join the group to vote). You can also leave a comment or “like” the video (you will need a Google or YouTube account).
Thanks for taking a look. If my submission is one of their favorites, it will be mentioned on the show this holiday weekend. Fame and fortune are sure to follow, so my future is in your hands…
Happy 4th!
Monday, May 24, 2010
World's Leading Informatimusicologist Headlines at LTPAC Conference June 7, 2010
This press release was recently issued by the American Health Information Management Association:
May 6, 2010
Interoperable Healthcare and Health Information Exchange to Empower the Aging Population
Alexandria, VA— Eric Dishman, director of Health Innovation and Policy for Intel's Digital Health Group, will keynote day one of the sixth Long Term and Post Acute Care (LTPAC) Health IT Summit, June 7-8, in Baltimore, MD. Mr. Dishman will be presenting on how providers and caregivers of the elderly can incorporate integrated technology to provide a higher level of quality care and wellness. Dishman is widely recognized as a global leader in driving healthcare reform through home and community-based technologies and services, with special focus on enabling independent living for seniors.
The world's leading medical informatimusicologist, Ross Martin, will headline day two of the Summit. Dr. Martin is a Senior Manager in Healthcare and Life Sciences at Deloitte Consulting LLP, where he focuses on the technology standards and policies that support the convergence of clinical research and clinical care. He currently serves as a subject matter advisor at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Martin will present on health information exchange to ensure best outcomes and care coordination and will also share his chart-topping health IT standards development organization song.
The 2010 LTPAC HIT Summit is the only HIT program for the long-term and post-care fields and offers attendees the opportunity to focus on LTPAC national policy strategies and industry updates through lively forums and expert-led seminars. In addition, this important event will unveil a new HIT roadmap for 2010-2012. The Summit also features case studies, an exhibit hall, and Interoperability Showcase.
The 2010 LTPAC Health IT Summit will take place at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor, June 7-8. For more information, including registration and hotel accommodations, visit the American Health Information Management Association's (AHIMA) website at www.ahima.org/events/ltchitsummit.
The Long-Term Care Health IT Summit is sponsored by the American Association for Homes and
Services of the Aging (AAHSA) and the Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST); the American Health Care Association (AHCA) and the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL); the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA); the American Medical Directors Association (AMDA); the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP), the National Association for the Support of Long-Term Care (NASL); and the National Association of Home Care and Hospice (NAHC).
More proof that self-proclamation of domain preeminence will make it so if it is picked up by the press… So what will you claim for your own world's leading status? NB: I've already got dibs on medical Informatimusicology and unicycle basketball, so go find your own!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Meaningful Yoose Rap
Reports from the field indicate that a lone rapper has been found stalking locales known to be frequented by the healthcare technoratti set, most notably the HIStalk reception at the 2010 HIMSS conference in Atlanta in early March. Rumors have now been substantiated as an alert iPhone owner captured this footage:
The rapper, identifying himself only as Dr. HITECH, is rumored to be related to or possibly the same person as our own Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI, president, founder and, as yet, sole member of our illustrious College.
We do not see the resemblance, but cannot deny that this clever bit has all the markings of true lyrical master craftsman. We invite him to apply for entrance into the College should he be found worthy. But we insist that he renege on his claim to the mantle of Dr. HITECH, which clearly belongs to the purveyor of the now-classic HITECH Interoperetta.
One last note: Our careful research has decrypted the lyrics from this rather poor quality rap video. We offer them here in defiance of all copyright infringement claims.
Meaningful Yoose
Say Yo! (Yo!)
C’mon say Yo! (Yo!)
Say H-I-T (H-I-T)
Say H-I-T (H-I-T)
Yo, all you doctors won’t you lend me an ear
While this wannabe hip-hopper sez what’s goin’ on here
Just take a look at the HITECH Act
It says EHR and you say, “Tell me somethin’ new, Jack!
EHRs have been around for a while
They cost an arm and a leg and then they cramp your style”
You do a double-take—“Yo, Home, now how can this be?
It says Uncle Sam is lookin’ to give some money to me!”
And so I’m here to tell you that this message is for real
But there’s just one way to make it into this deal
Goin’ paperless ain't nothing if you ain't got the juice
You got to interoperate and show some Meaningful Yoose
Two-oh-eleven's when the money starts to flow
So you bettah listen up to hear the things you need to know
You need an EHR that does interoperability
And gets a thumbs-up from a certifying entity
They’ll put it through the paces and make certain it’ll jive
With all the bits, bytes and regs—then it’s time for you to drive
If you do what I say, you won't be chasin’ a wild goose
You’ll be on your way to showin’ Meaningful Yoose
Meaningful Yoose, Meaningful Yoose
Gettin’ things done with your Meaningful Yoose
Use a CCR or a CCD
For shootin’ out a patient record summary
E-prescribin’, med history and formulary benefit
Out a doubt NCPDP is a sure bit
Admin transactin’ with X12 forty-ten
PQRI for quality reportin’
Public health exchanges usin’ HL7
That's how we’re makin’ changes in two-thousand-eleven for
Meaningful Yoose, Meaningful Yoose
Takin’ care of patients with your Meaningful Yoose
By now you're prob’ly thinkin’, “Man, somethin’ ain’t right—
This boy don't got the moves and his rappin’ ain’t tight”
You got that one straight—I may not be too cool
But this message is important, so I’m willing to play the fool
Now tip your hats to the cats from the ONC
They’re the ones under the gun to set the stimulus dough fre
Startin’ state HIEs and makin’ Beacons from Communities
Fundin’ SHARP and training and RECs
All the cash is movin’ out so there will be no excuse
For not puttin’ patients first and doin’ Meaningful Yoose
So get hip to what I'm sayin’—cut the power loose
And get your forty-four Gs or more for Meaningful Yoose
Start making things happen doin’ Meaningful Yoose
Put the patient first and do some Meaningful Yoose
The rapper, identifying himself only as Dr. HITECH, is rumored to be related to or possibly the same person as our own Ross D. Martin, MD, MHA, FACMI, president, founder and, as yet, sole member of our illustrious College.
We do not see the resemblance, but cannot deny that this clever bit has all the markings of true lyrical master craftsman. We invite him to apply for entrance into the College should he be found worthy. But we insist that he renege on his claim to the mantle of Dr. HITECH, which clearly belongs to the purveyor of the now-classic HITECH Interoperetta.
One last note: Our careful research has decrypted the lyrics from this rather poor quality rap video. We offer them here in defiance of all copyright infringement claims.
Meaningful Yoose
Say Yo! (Yo!)
C’mon say Yo! (Yo!)
Say H-I-T (H-I-T)
Say H-I-T (H-I-T)
Yo, all you doctors won’t you lend me an ear
While this wannabe hip-hopper sez what’s goin’ on here
Just take a look at the HITECH Act
It says EHR and you say, “Tell me somethin’ new, Jack!
EHRs have been around for a while
They cost an arm and a leg and then they cramp your style”
You do a double-take—“Yo, Home, now how can this be?
It says Uncle Sam is lookin’ to give some money to me!”
And so I’m here to tell you that this message is for real
But there’s just one way to make it into this deal
Goin’ paperless ain't nothing if you ain't got the juice
You got to interoperate and show some Meaningful Yoose
Two-oh-eleven's when the money starts to flow
So you bettah listen up to hear the things you need to know
You need an EHR that does interoperability
And gets a thumbs-up from a certifying entity
They’ll put it through the paces and make certain it’ll jive
With all the bits, bytes and regs—then it’s time for you to drive
If you do what I say, you won't be chasin’ a wild goose
You’ll be on your way to showin’ Meaningful Yoose
Meaningful Yoose, Meaningful Yoose
Gettin’ things done with your Meaningful Yoose
Use a CCR or a CCD
For shootin’ out a patient record summary
E-prescribin’, med history and formulary benefit
Out a doubt NCPDP is a sure bit
Admin transactin’ with X12 forty-ten
PQRI for quality reportin’
Public health exchanges usin’ HL7
That's how we’re makin’ changes in two-thousand-eleven for
Meaningful Yoose, Meaningful Yoose
Takin’ care of patients with your Meaningful Yoose
By now you're prob’ly thinkin’, “Man, somethin’ ain’t right—
This boy don't got the moves and his rappin’ ain’t tight”
You got that one straight—I may not be too cool
But this message is important, so I’m willing to play the fool
Now tip your hats to the cats from the ONC
They’re the ones under the gun to set the stimulus dough fre
Startin’ state HIEs and makin’ Beacons from Communities
Fundin’ SHARP and training and RECs
All the cash is movin’ out so there will be no excuse
For not puttin’ patients first and doin’ Meaningful Yoose
So get hip to what I'm sayin’—cut the power loose
And get your forty-four Gs or more for Meaningful Yoose
Start making things happen doin’ Meaningful Yoose
Put the patient first and do some Meaningful Yoose
health IT,
meainingful yoose,
meaningful use,
Ross D Martin MD MHA,
Ross D. Martin,
Ross Martin,
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