A new milestone in Medical Informatimusicology history has been reached with the release of The Rainbow Button Initiative video from the September 2011 Health 2.0 conference in San Francisco. Dr. Ross D. Martin, ACMI's President and Founder, aka, Dr. HITECH, has been immortalized in the form of a Muppet.
As monumental as this Muppetational moment may be, it is but a small part of a much larger event, a movement really. The Rainbow Button Initiative, which has been an active topic of discussion in the blogosphere, seeks to put patients in control of their own information by acknowledging that we all have different interests and needs when it comes to accessing data. Some want privacy; others want to share; still others want full control. There's a button for that (or should be)--so says TRBI.
The lovely and talented Regina Holliday rallied the (thespian and puppeteer) troupes to create a staged performance that included Dr. HITECH's Muppetastic appearance as he led the cast in "The Rainbow Button Initiative Rap".
Gregg Masters, CEO of Xanate Media, captured it all on film and produced the video above.
Lyrics below. Stay tuned for an MP3 of the rap!
The Rainbow Button Iniative Rap
Yo, Home!
Dr. HITECH's in the house!
Been hearin' all this chattah
'bout what everybody sees
Is the way to access data
Like they're all dif'rent needs
I gotta tell ya all that even though
They're all important this I know
They're players in the same show
They're colors of one rainbow
If ya all can work together
I can guarantee
Includin' patients in
HIE is the key
Sayin' that the doctor knows
Best ain't enough
We gotta give the people some
Control of their stuff
So we are going for launch
Hit the button to initiate
This grass roots movement
Bustin’ outta' the gate
Our message is powerful
And positive
It's the Rainbow Button
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
Now tell us your perspective
And we'll show it's all connected
Break it down
VETERAN (Blue Button)
I been to far-off lands
Tryin' to do what's right
I had dreams and plans
When I got caught in a firefight
Now back in the states
I'm a wounded warrior
All my doctors are great
But sometimes I ain't sure
Exactly how to keep it straight
Or know just how to navigate
All my meds and lab results
And how they relate
But now I push the Blue Button
And it's all there to see
Just a click of the mouse
And it all comes to me
And it's not just for this vet
Heck, that ain't nuttin'
Just see what stuff *you* get
When you hit the Blue Button
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
CELEBRITY (Red Button)
Yes, I am a famous actress and
I love that I'm adored
But when I go to see my therapist
I want to be ignored
The paparazzi put me in a
Compromising state when they
Caught me slipping out of rehab
Through the back gate
Now the tabloids all are speculating
Maybe I'm expecting
They say from a fling during
A movie I was making
Now they're fishing for my records
And hiring detectives
For clues to see if I might be
A mommy-to-be
And so to keep my privacy
I've got these two hunks next to me
To wipe away the memory
Of every doc I go to see
It's true -- on occasion
My boys can be aggressive
Then my docs forget their names
Or where they live and that's excessive
But now I have a button
In my favorite color -- red!
So instead of wiping brain cells
I encrypt the chart instead
I press the Red Button--Poof!
My record--you can't find it!
It's all still there, but who knows where
The data have been blinded!
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
EARTH MOTHER (Green Button)
I'm a natural giver
Always willing to share
I got data to deliver
To make better care
Giver starts with G
And so does green
I push the green button
So my data can be seen
Some people need protection
Wanna keep it in control
I dig that predilection
But I need to be bold
If some piece of information
Can assist in the creation
Of a cure for somethin' devastatin'
I'm not one for hesitatin'
Serve it up! Shout it out!
Post it where there'll be no doubt
So researchers everywhere
Can find the data to compare
And test a new invention
That's exactly my intention
When I push the green button
My records get out there
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
DIRECTOR (White Button)
I'm the writer and director
Of a one-man show
It's all about me
If you really want to know
I'm always on location
'Nother day another town
When I need a medication
My Doc is not around
So I find a local PCP
Who doesn't know my history
Without my information
I'm at risk of devastation
From receiving wrong prescriptions
Or an error of omission
But I have a secret weapon
It's a little White Button
I send her my history
Medications, allergies
In a CCD
So she'll know me
I'm directly in control
And I love my role
As the center of it all
I'm having a ball!
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
These are just a few colors
And the needs they explain
There's a whole lotta others
That got similar pain
Like the parents tryin’ to get their kids
Signed up for band
They gotta have vaccination
Records in hand
And how many out there have
A mom or a dad
Livin' far away
And then their health goes bad
Good luck gettin' any clue
What's goin' on there
Seems we need a Gray Button
To help with elder care
Outta doubt there are others
We ain't thought of yet
There's room in the rainbow
For whatever we get in…
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow Button Initiative
The Rainbow button Initiative...
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Yes we can get there using stepping stones like BPPC http://healthcaresecprivacy.blogspot.com/2011/08/ihe-privacy-and-security-profiles-basic.html to get started today. We will continue to improve the capability.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this, John. Yes, a shared mechanism for managing basic consent is essential. I look forward to seeing this capability mature over time.