Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Meaningful Yoose Rap Music Video - World Premiere

The American College of Medical Informatimusicology
Proudly Presents
The Meaningful Yoose Rap
Written and Performed by Dr. HITECH

You can also see the Rap in HD on Vimeo:

Trying to figure out what eligible providers have to do to receive incentive payments from CMS for the meaningful use of electronic health records? Everything you need to get started is right here, delivered in under three minutes.

Just like the HITECH Interoperetta, The Meaningful Yoose Rap is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution, Share-Alike license, which means that you are free to post or present this video without charge, but we ask that you keep the credits intact. And do let us know if you present it at a large meeting or publish it on the web.

Please share this video with others and post comments on the Informatimusicology blog, YouTube or Vimeo, "like" it on Facebook, give it stars... whatever you can do to spread it around.

Deepest thanks to the dedicated and talented friends and colleagues who volunteered many evening and weekend hours to make The Meaningful Yoose Rap possible, especially filmmaker Ishu Krishna who brilliantly directed, edited and co-produced this video. The production team included Stuart Trouton, Kareem Abdelsadek, Ryan Kim and Chris Wacek. Malik Bradford brought the soundtrack to life with his audio engineering wizardry. Son T (aka, RobotBoy2001) and wife Kym offered acting talents and patience. Back-up rappers included Cara Campbell, Kaushal Dadhania, Janelle Hu, Missy Hyatt, Liesa Jenkins, Robert Reitz and Jas Singh. 

Thanks to Gail Hinte who said, "Someone should do a rap on meaningful use to that 'Pants on the Ground' tune!" and to Andrew Weniger who responded, "I know the guy who's crazy enough to do it."

Mr. HIStalk and Inga provided the venue to debut it at the 2010 HIStalk reception at HIMSS. Dr. David Blumenthal, upon seeing a live performance of the "Final (Rule) Cut" version, commented, "That would be great to see on YouTube," which was enough encouragement to spend the time getting it done and gathering the folks who could help make it happen. 

Though many hands were involved in making this video possible, the opinions expressed within are solely the responsibility of the author, our esteemed President, Founder and Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatimusicology, Dr. Ross D. Martin, aka Dr. HITECH.

Now let's put the patient first and do some Meaningful Yoose!

Still More Fun

Want to rap along?  Lyrics are available here.  We will post a karaoke version MP3 sometime soon, so start practicing!

Becoming the world's leading medical informatimusicologist doesn't happen overnight.  Dr. Martin has been writing and performing HIT songs for years, starting with The Legend of Bob the DERF for NCPDP in 2004, followed soon thereafter by The MedBiq Song for MedBiquitous, The Patient is Waiting for HL7, and The X12 Song for, you guessed it, X12 (still need to post that one). 

But Dr. Martin's definitvie work in informatimusicology, the one that landed him the role as President and Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatimusicology and that has put him on the short list of candidates for Medical Informatimusicologist of the Millenium--even with nearly 90 years to go--has to be HITECH: An Interoperetta in Three Acts, which he first shared with the world on May 13th, 2009.  Viewed more that 20,000 times on YouTube, it remains the work against which all others must be compared.

Want to know more about Dr. Martin?  His neglected website is at


  1. Great job Ross and "lil Ross" :)

  2. Outstanding... nice summary and good delivery. lol.

  3. This was so awesome! Gets the point across in an enjoyable fashion. Great job!

  4. I hope to use this video at the end of our groups oral presentation on vendor choice for EHR in our HIT Health Care Technologies class (there are 22 of us in the class). Thanks it was very creative and highly entertaining!

  5. This seems to be real fun. I listened to the video and was really tempted to rap along. Health care providers and the staff have a really great thing going for them. An innovative way to remember what needs to be done to ensure incentive payments! Health care providers should know these practices to stay in business.
